Applicants may submit their videos through Google Drive, YouTube, WeTransfer, or some video or file sharing platform. All videos must be in .mp4 file format or uploaded online. An audio only file will not be accepted, and an application change request must be submitted, along with its respective form and fee. Each video file or title of the video should be named ‘2025 Etude Audition Video: (Applicant Name): Piece (I/II)’. There will be a form field requesting for the link to the video in the online application form.
If submitted through Google Drive, the videos must be shared with and titled ‘2025 Etude Audition Video: (Applicant Name)’.
If applicants choose to share their videos by e-mail, the files must be sent to Applicants must change the subject of the e-mail to ‘2025 Etude Audition Video: (Applicant Name)’.